Vous cherchez à contacter Poppy ?

call service

Poppy provides car rental services in Belgium. If you have rented a car from Poppy and now need to reach the customer service, you can make use of one of the following methods listed below.

How to urgently contact Poppy’s customer service?

Poppy has established an emergency service that you can call in case of serious issues concerning their vehicles. If this applies to you, you can call the following number: 03 283 62 62

When making the call, ensure to provide the information regarding the vehicle you have rented and clearly explain your issue.

How to contact Poppy’s customer service online?

The Poppy website does not feature an online chat for instant online assistance. However, on their site, you can find a contact form as well as a FAQ that is likely to answer your questions.

If that’s not the case, you can then contact Poppy’s customer service through other means.

Contacting Poppy’s customer service via phone

Poppy does not seem to provide a phone number for providing simple information. The only phone number shared by the brand is the emergency number: 03 283 62 62

However, you can only contact this number if you have an emergency situation involving a vehicle belonging to Poppy.

How to contact Poppy’s customer service via email?

If you wish to contact Poppy’s customer service in writing, you can send them an email at the following address: hello@poppy.be

In your email, be sure to mention your personal information for identification and clearly explain your request to facilitate the response process.

You can also find on their website a pre-filled contact form that you can send to the customer service automatically. You will then receive a response in your inbox.

How to send a complaint letter to Poppy by mail?

The Poppy website does not provide a postal address where you can send your complaint. However, you can express your dissatisfaction to Poppy by sending them an email via the contact form available on their website.

Contacting Poppy’s customer service via social media

You can also use social media to contact a Poppy customer service representative if that is your preferred method. You can then reach out to them on several social media platforms:

Contact Facebook Poppy

Contact Twitter Poppy

Contact Instagram Poppy

Contact LinkedIn Poppy

However, receiving a quick response through these social media channels remains uncertain, so it’s better to prioritize other contact methods, especially if your situation is urgent.

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