Contacter la Gare de Philippeville

call service


The Philippeville Station is a Belgian railway station serving the 132 line from Charleroi to Treignes.

How to get in touch with the customer service of Philippeville Station?
Source: Archives Les Meloures
Author: Les Méloures

Commissioned in 1854, it was abandoned in 1954. The Philippeville Station has 2 tracks and is an unstaffed point of free access.

Next to the Philippeville Station, you will find a free parking for your vehicle.

The address of the station is:

Philippeville Station

Moulin Street 59

5600 Philippeville

  • How to contact the Philippeville Station?
  • How to contact the lost and found of Philippeville Station?
  • How to make a reservation?

How to get in touch with the customer service of Philippeville Station?

  • Telephone
  • WhatsApp
  • Messenger
  • Contact form

The Philippeville Station is part of the SNCB network.

If you need assistance with knowing the schedules, the services offered at the station, information about connections, your ticket…

The SNCB customer service is available for all your inquiries via contact form, via Messenger, via telephone at:

+32 (0)2 528 28 28

From Monday to Sunday between 7AM and 9:30PM.

Or via WhatsApp at:

+32 (0)4 92 88 00 00

On weekends from 7AM to 9:30PM and from Monday to Friday from 6AM to 9:30PM.

For sending your postal mail, the address of SNCB is:

SNCB Marketing & Sales

Customer Service


Avenue de la Porte de Hal 40

1060 Brussels

How to contact the lost and found service of Philippeville Station?

You recently visited the Philippeville Station and you lost an item?

You can reach out to the lost and found service through a contact form.

Using this form, you will make a declaration of loss, you will have to specify the category of the lost item, its color, you can also provide additional information and add a photo.

Upon sending the contact form, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your request.

The lost and found service will send you an email when your item is found.

You will then have 7 days to retrieve it at the station where it is located free of charge.

Is the station where your item is located far from your place or you cannot go there?

Upon receiving the email informing you that your item has been found, you can request within 7 days for your package to be made available at the station of your choice.

In this case, a fee of 5€ will be charged to you.

After the 7-day availability period, if you have not retrieved your item, it will be sent to the deposit station for 50 days. After this period, it will no longer be possible for you to retrieve it and it will be offered to an association: The « Petits riens » association.

How to book a train at the Philippeville Station?

You need to take a train from Philippeville Station and you want to book your ticket?

SNCB vending machines are available at the Philippeville Station for purchasing your ticket.

You will also be able to purchase your ticket directly on the SNCB site.

Follow the Philippeville Station on social media

  • Facebook


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