Vous cherchez à contacter Affligem ?

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Affligem is a Belgian beer brand founded at the Abbey of Affligem in 1074. It is owned by the Alken-Maes group, which itself is part of the Dutch company Heineken, the world’s second largest brewer, behind Anheuser-Busch InBev and ahead of Carlsberg. The Affligem brewery is located in Opwijk, a Flemish town in Belgium.

Reaching Affligem Online

If you are looking for information about Affligem, you can visit their Belgian website to explore their brand offerings and various types of beers (blonde, non-alcoholic, fruity, etc.).

The website does not offer the option to purchase Affligem beer online (see next paragraph « Where can you buy beer online? »); it mainly provides online communication services to provide adult internet users with information about the brand’s beers and the brewing process used.

Access to the Affligem site is restricted to adults only, and entering the site requires providing your date of birth.

Contacting Affligem via Form

To obtain all information about Affligem beers or to find where you can purchase them, Affligem offers its customers the option to use a contact form on their website.

Simply provide your first name, last name, and a valid email address before submitting your inquiries. A brand advisor will respond to you promptly.

Contacting Affligem by Phone

There is no direct phone number to reach Affligem. However, if you want information about this brand, you can call the phone number of the Heineken headquarters at 0147143650.

Contacting Affligem Customer Service via Email

You can contact an Affligem brand advisor by email using the following email address: info@affligembeer.be.

Contacting Affligem Customer Service by Mail

Have a question or complaint? If you were unable to contact Affligem by email or form, you can reach out to the brand by mail at the address of the parent company, Heineken.

The company’s headquarters is in the Netherlands:

Heineken International

Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21

1017 ZD Amsterdam


However, the terms of use of the Affligem website also state that you can send your mail to the Heineken group in France at this address:


Heineken Group

Immeuble H2O,

2 rue des Martinets

92569 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex

Contacting Affligem on Facebook

To contact Affligem, you can also use social media. The brand is present on Facebook, where you can find their updates and even contact them.

Where to Buy Affligem Beer Online?

Like many beer brands, Affligem does not directly sell its products online. As heavy and fragile items that often require high shipping costs, online beer sales are often considered a niche market, with beers mainly bought by customers in bars and cafes or in supermarkets and specialty stores. However, there are some sites that have the necessary legal agreements to sell Affligem beer online.

vendre de la bière et autres boissons alcoolisées en ligne sur internet similaire à des sites comme : 
Il est nécessaire de noter que pour effectuer un achat sur l’un de ces sites, il est essentiel de créer un compte au préalable et d’être légalement majeur. Il est parfois requis de fournir un document justifiant votre identité.

Comment gérer un conflit avec une plateforme de vente de bières en ligne ?

En cas de désaccord avec un site de vente de bières en ligne, quel que soit le fabricant, la première étape est de contacter le service client par téléphone, e-mail ou courrier afin d’exposer votre problème et de chercher une solution. Si le différend persiste et que vous ne parvenez pas à le résoudre ou que la réponse du service client ne vous satisfait pas, vous pouvez faire appel à une entité de règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges de consommation (RELC) locale concernant un conflit que vous n’avez pas pu résoudre directement avec Affligem. Vous pouvez contacter cette RELC à l’adresse suivante :

Service de Médiation pour le Consommateur
North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 8
Bruxelles, 1000
Vous trouverez également toutes les informations sur leur site internet.
Les clients mécontents peuvent également se tourner vers la plateforme de règlement en ligne des litiges mise en place par la Commission Européenne en se rendant sur le site.

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