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Monitor my GAMBETTES BOX parcel –  flexible subscription to receive 2 pairs of tights per month with inclusive delivery

Keep track of my GAMBETTES BOX parcel: Gambettes Box is a French company designing women’s tights. The organization offers a monthly box for its customers. The birth of the brand was announced in 2012. The entity is located in France. This company offers a wide range of tights for women. Gambettes Box is composed of 09 girls including Sixtine, Manon, Juliette, Lina, Aurélie, Anaïs, Anne-Flore, Inès, and Celia.

Each customer can receive two fancy tights designed in Paris and manufactured in factories in Italy for 15.90 euros each month. In summer, the site offers beachwear items such as a swimsuit or shorts. The tights are only available in the boxes. The Gambettes Box works by theme, as is the case for most boxes.

The tights are chosen, created, and named according to the theme of the month. They are quite original and stand out from the rest. Its magazine-style presentation is unique. The site is published by the company GBE&W SAS. The subscription is without commitment.

  • How to track my order Gambettes Box ?
  • I’d like to track my parcel Gambettes Box, what should I do ?
  • I want to contact the parcel tracking service Gambettes Box
  • How to contact Gambettes Box ?
  • How to reach Gambettes Box by phone ?

How can I find out the status of my GAMBETTES BOX parcel ?

Do you want to track the delivery of your parcels and know the delivery date of your order ?? we can help you 24/7 [independent service provider from the brand – Using our service requires having a parcel tracking number – An order number is not sufficient]. Dial:

To receive them, you can subscribe on So, you must finalize your registration and your subscription on the page. The monthly Gambette Box is delivered between the 10th and 20th of the month. After completing your registration, you should receive an email from the company.

You can track the dispatch of your Box in your  customer space: Just go to the Gambettes Box homepage and log in to your My Account space. Once logged in, you must click on My Orders.

Then, please select the subscription you want to display the information related to your subscription. In the My Deliveries section, you will discover the status of your parcel: being prepared, being delivered, or delivered. In case of any issue, contact the company’s customer service directly.

How to contact the Gambettes Box customer service ?

ForDans votre intérêt, la compagnie Gambettes Box offre un service clientèle par téléphone. Vous avez la possibilité de composer le numéro suivant : 01 83 62 00 24. Les agents de la compagnie sont disponibles et prêts à répondre à toutes vos interrogations, dans la mesure où ces questions rentrent dans leur champ d’expertise. Si vous préférez, vous pouvez également envoyer un courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante :

Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez contacter Gambettes Box, veuillez consulter ce lien : Et si vous souhaitez accéder à des réponses préétablies, nous vous invitons à cliquer ici :

Préférez-vous contacter par courrier postal ? La compagnie Gambettes Box se tient à votre disposition à l’adresse suivante : GBE&W, 13 BD DE ROCHECHOUART, 75009 PARIS, France. Si aucun de ces moyens de contact ne vous convient, vous avez aussi la possibilité de remplir le formulaire de contact.

Pour ce faire, nous vous demandons de suivre ce lien et de remplir le formulaire : Envoyer une demande.  Enfin, le site de Gambettes Box est également présent sur les réseaux sociaux si besoin est :

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Instagram :

YouTube :

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