Comment joindre un magasin Electrostock en Belgique ?

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  • How to reach an ElectroStock store in Belgium to track an order?
  • Do you want to contact ElectroStock to get information about a specific item?
  • How to contact ElectroStock customer service to request a refund?

Check out this article to discover all the details to reach out to ElectroStock in Belgium.

Everything you need to know about ElectroStock in Belgium

Connecting with ElectroStock in Belgium

ElectroStock is a chain of household appliance stores in Belgium. It is a subsidiary of the French group ElectroStock, which operates in 5 European countries.

In 2014, ElectroStock opened its first store in Belgium in Liège, marking its entry into the market. Since then, the chain has experienced remarkable growth and now has three points of sale scattered across the country.

What sets ElectroStock apart from other household appliance chains in Belgium is its discount positioning. This approach is based on a wholesale sales strategy and optimized logistics, allowing it to offer products at very competitive prices.

Products and services offered by ElectroStock in Belgium

In addition to their offering, ElectroStock also provides a wide range of second-hand products, carefully refurbished by experts before being put up for sale.

These items generally offer an economical alternative to new products, while ensuring a good value for money.

ElectroStock’s assortment includes a wide range of household appliances, including large and small appliances, televisions, telephony products, photo equipment, GPS, and multimedia products.

Furthermore, ElectroStock offers a range of comprehensive services such as delivery, installation, repair, and warranty.

Moreover, the chain treats its customers with regular offers and promotions on its products and services, available both online and in their physical stores.

Contacting ElectroStock in Belgium: How to proceed?

Connecting with ElectroStock in Belgium

If you wish to get in touch with ElectroStock customer service in Belgium, there are several options available to you:

How to reach ElectroStock in Belgium through their website?

For a simple and direct approach, visit the official ElectroStock Belgium website at the following address: There, you will find a contact form where you can provide your information and the reason for your request.

What is the phone number to contact ElectroStock?

For immediate assistance, you can call ElectroStock customer service in Belgium at the following number: +32 56 64 41 56. You will be directed to the appropriate service to address your request.

How to reach ElectroStock via email?

If you want to contact ElectroStock via email, you can send your correspondence to the addresssuivante : N’hésitez pas à incorporer toutes les données pertinentes dans votre message pour faciliter le traitement de votre requête. L’équipe d’ElectroStock serait enchantée de répondre à vos interrogations ou demandes de renseignements via cette voie.

Quelle est la manière de contacter ElectroStock en Belgique par voie postale ?

Courrier postal : Pour toute correspondance écrite, veuillez adresser votre courrier à l’adresse qui suit :

Pierre Corneliskaai 17, 

9300 Alost, Belgique

Aalst, Flandre (Belgique), 9300

Le service client d’ElectroStock serait heureux de répondre à vos interrogations ou demandes de renseignements par ce moyen.

Comment entrer en contact avec l’entreprise via les médias sociaux ?

Pour être tenu informé des dernières actualités, promotions et nouveautés d’ElectroStock en Belgique, suivez la marque sur les plateformes de médias sociaux. Vous avez également la possibilité de la contacter en laissant un commentaire sur ses publications ou en utilisant la messagerie privée.

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Peu importe le moyen choisi, l’équipe d’ElectroStock en Belgique est à vos côtés pour répondre à vos besoins et vous fournir une expérience client satisfaisante.

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