Comment contacter Metro ?

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  • How can you approach Metro to express critiques or observations regarding a specific article published by the newspaper?
  • How can you get in touch with Metro to request additional details?
  • Are you interested in following Metro on social media platforms?

Within this writing, you will find all the essential information to connect with Metro.

Introduction to Metro

Connect with Metro

The Rossel consortium, owner of the daily Le Soir, and the British group Metro International launched the Metro newspaper in Belgium on August 29, 2000, during the Sydney Summer Olympics.

Since its inception, Metro has experienced significant success, reaching a daily circulation of over 230,000 copies in 2019, making it the only free daily newspaper in Belgium.

This triumph can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, Metro covered a wide range of current topics, whether they were national, international, economic, political, cultural, or sports-related.

Furthermore, the newspaper addressed lifestyle, health, and societal themes, enabling it to reach a diverse audience, regardless of age or profile.

Metro, a Free and Modern Daily Popular Amongst the Young

Moreover, the free distribution of Metro in urban and suburban public transport in Belgium provided it with access to a broad audience, often difficult for traditional media to reach.

Metro adopts a modern approach with an appealing layout and a direct and accessible tone.

It is a source of information appreciated by young readers, increasingly consuming news online. The newspaper was structured into different sections, with the main ones being:

  • News: covering national, international, economic, political, cultural, and sports events.
  • Lifestyle: offering articles on leisure, fashion, beauty, cooking, and more.
  • Health: addressing topics related to health, nutrition, well-being, etc.
  • Society: dealing with social issues, justice, environment, etc.
  • Metro also featured opinion pieces, interviews, reports, and columns.

All the Contact Information for Connecting with Metro

All available contact details to reach Metro

To get in touch with Metro’s customer service, you have several options at your disposal.

How to Contact Metro by Phone?

To reach the customer service by phone, call 02/227.93.43. This way, you will be directly connected with a Metro customer service representative.

What is Metro’s Website?

You also have the option to fill out the available online form.à l’URL suivante : En utilisant ce formulaire, vous êtes en mesure de soumettre vos demandes, interrogations ou préoccupations au service clientèle de Metro.

Comment entrer en contact avec Metro par courrier électronique ?

Si vous désirez entrer en communication avec l’équipe éditoriale de Metro concernant des sujets rédactionnels ou des contributions, veuillez employer l’adresse électronique Cette adresse est expressément consacrée à faciliter les échanges avec nos lecteurs et à répondre à leurs exigences et préoccupations.

Comment joindre Metro par voie postale ?

Pour certaines demandes, il est possible d’expédier un courrier à Metro van Limburg à cette adresse postale :

100 rue Royale

1000 Bruxelles

Comment suivre les actualités de Metro sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Il est envisageable de suivre les actualités du journal sur les différentes plateformes de médias sociaux. Abonnez-vous à ses comptes, partagez vos commentaires sur ses publications ou envoyez un message privé sur : 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

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