Comment contacter Luc Noël ?

call service
  • Are you seeking to contact Luc Noël for an interview?
  • Do you wish to directly communicate with this public figure by phone to propose a collaboration?
  • Do you intend to send an email invitation?
  • Is it possible to reach out to him through social media?

To address these inquiries, we invite you to explore Luc Noël’s biography and background in the first section, and his contact details in the second section.

Biography and background

contacter Luc Noël

Born on May 9th, 1959, Luc Noël is a Belgian journalist specializing in environmental issues and gardening.

He is the host and creator of the weekly TV show « Jardins & Loisirs » on La Une (Belgium), also broadcasted on Télé Maison (Canalsat) and TV5 Monde. Week after week, this journalist provides tips for plant care. He also suggests visiting splendid gardens and discovering beautiful plants. The famous quote: « Hello Marc, hello Luc » has become indispensable today. It is often imitated by the audience.

As for his personal life, Luc Noël is married and a father of 5 children. He lives and gardens in a small village in Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse in Belgium, near the French border. He owns a 30-acre garden.

Preferred channels for contacting Luc Noël

entrer en relation avec Luc Noël

« Monsieur Jardinier » works for the RTBF channel. Therefore, you can use the contact information of this channel to communicate with him. Start by visiting the RTBF website. Not only will you get information about the channel, but you can also make a personalized request to Luc Noël. To do this, use the contact form visible on the page.

Moreover, you can call the RTBF customer service and inquire about reaching this Belgian public figure by phone. Just dial 02 737 21 11. This channel is to be favored for urgent inquiries.

It is also possible to send mail or go directly to the channel’s headquarters. The address to consider is: Boulevard Auguste Reyers 52, 1044 Brussels. If you prefer to come directly to the site, the main entrance is located on Rue Colonel Bourg (Diamant entrance). By car, access is very easy via the E40 highway (from Louvain or Liège – exit Meiser – follow RTBF/VRT).

If you prefer to have no intermediary, we invite you to send an email to the address He will receive it personally. Please note, however, that his schedule unfortunately does not allow him to provide personalized gardening advice.

Finally, Luc Noël is not active on social media.

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