The water market in Belgium has over thirty suppliers who share the various municipalities of the Belgian territory. Among them, Farys is a Flemish water supplier present in 85 municipalities in Belgium. Formerly known as Tussengemeentelijke Maatschappij der Vlaanderen voor Waterbedeling (TMVW), Farys adopted this new name in 2014. Farys is a member of AquaFlanders, one of the four organizations in Belgium alongside Aquawal in Wallonia, Brussels Environment, and the Brussels Water Management Company (SBGE) in Brussels.
How to reach Farys online?
For information about Farys, the website provides guidance on all offers, prices, meter readings, organizing a move, etc. The website is available in either Flemish, German, or French.
On the site, the quickest way to manage your account is by using MyFarys, the online customer portal.
How to contact Farys customer service by phone?
If you need information to utilize Farys services, have an issue with a meter or a meter reading, a bill… you can contact a Farys customer service advisor by calling 078 35 35 99 on weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm.
To report a problem, inquire about a move, you must dial 078 35 35 88. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How to contact Farys customer service by email?
Farys does not provide a direct email address to contact an advisor. However, several forms are available for different inquiries on the Farys website.
Meter reading, move, client data changes, bills and payments, assistance and discounts, water connection, water meter, sewage: connection to the sewer and SEI, private water, temporary water supply… you will find all the forms here
How to contact Farys customer service by mail?
Question? Complaint? You can contact Farys by mail at the following address:
Stopstraat 1,
9000 Gent
How to contact Farys customer service via social media?
To contact Farys customer service, you can also reach out through social media:
Contact Farys Facebook
Contact Farys Instagram
Contact Farys Youtube
Contact Farys Linkedin
How to move and become a Farys client?
Unlike the gas and electricity suppliers, users in Belgium cannot choose their drinking water supplier. Indeed, depending on the municipality you live in, customers are automatically supplied with water by a specific water supplier. So, when moving to another municipality and your current water supplier does not operate there, you will also switch water companies like Farys or AIEC, AIEM, CIESAC, CILE, IDEN, in BW, IEG, INASEP, SWDE, etc.
For Farys, users can find answers to their situation on the AquaFlanders website and follow the procedure for a move on the website.
What to do in case of a dispute with Farys?
To report an issue with Farys, the most important thing is to first try to get in touch with customer service.Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse ou si celle-ci ne vous convient pas, vous avez la possibilité de soumettre une réclamation à Farys. Cette réclamation peut porter sur une facture, des travaux dans votre voisinage, une interruption de service d’eau, un membre de notre équipe, le site web, etc.
Vous pouvez soumettre cette réclamation en utilisant leur formulaire de réclamation en ligne.
Si le problème persiste, vous pouvez solliciter la médiation de l’ombudsman interne. Ce dernier n’interviendra que si la situation de votre dossier devient complexe. Vous pouvez le contacter directement sur la page de contact du médiateur.
Dans tous ces scénarios, lors de vos échanges, veillez à fournir votre nom, votre identifiant client, votre numéro de téléphone, votre adresse e-mail, le numéro de référence attribué lors du traitement initial de votre souci, votre réclamation, aussi détaillée que possible, accompagnée éventuellement de photos et de documents.
Farys répondra à la réclamation généralement dans un délai de 10 jours ouvrables.