Vous cherchez à contacter CILE ?

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The water market in Belgium has over thirty suppliers who distribute water in different municipalities across the Belgian territory. Among them, the Compagnie intercommunale liégeoise des eaux (commonly known as CILE), established in 1913, ensures the production and distribution of drinking water across 24 municipalities in the province of Liège. CILE is a member of Aquawal in Wallonia, one of the four organizations in Belgium along with AquaFlanders in Flanders, Bruxelles Environnement, and the Société Bruxelloise de Gestion de l’Eau (SBGE) in Brussels.

How to reach out to CILE online?

To obtain information on CILE, the website guides the user on all offers, tariffs, meter readings, and moving arrangements. On the website, the quickest way to manage your account is by using a MyCILE account and logging into your online customer account.

How to contact CILE customer service by phone?

If you need information to use CILE’s services, have an issue with a meter, a meter reading, a bill, etc., you can contact a customer service advisor from CILE by calling +32 4 367 84 11 from 8am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 4:30pm (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). For technical emergencies (and only in this instance), there is a telephone duty available at the same number, 24/24h, 7/7d.

How to contact CILE customer service by email?

The Compagnie intercommunale liégeoise des eaux does not offer a direct email address to contact an advisor except for issues with the website at info@cile.be. However, you can find a detailed form on the official website.

How to contact CILE customer service by mail?

Have a question? A complaint? You can contact Farys by mail at the following address:


Rue du Canal de l’Ourthe, 8

B-4031 Angleur

Consider sending your mail by registered post with acknowledgment of receipt to ensure its delivery.

How to schedule an appointment with a CILE advisor?

If you encounter difficulties with the internet and prefer to speak with an advisor directly, you can visit the CILE central office in Angleur. The office hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.

How to contact CILE customer service via social media?

To contact CILE customer service, you can also reach out through social media:

Contact CILE Facebook 

Contact CILE Linkedin

However, it is advisable to use other contact methods to submit your request to CILE.

How to move and become a CILE customer?

Unlike gas and electricity suppliers, users in Belgium cannot choose their drinking water supplier. Depending on the municipality where you live, customers are automatically supplied water by a specific water supplier. Therefore, when moving to another municipality and your current water supplier does not operate there, you will also change to another water company such as CILE, Farys, AIEC, AIEM, CIESAC, CILE, IDEN, in BW, IEG, INASEP, SWDE, etc.

For CILE, you can follow the detailed moving procedure on their website. 

What to do in case of a dispute with CILE?

The Compagnie intercommunale liégeoise des eaux claims to be attentive to its customers. Any complaint by phone, form, or mail will be handled and considered. In the event of a significant dispute, if the customer cannot reach an agreement with customer service, they can turn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian Courts within the judicial district of Liège for any type of legal action.

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