trace my package THE CIGAR KING – The Cigar King | your expert in cigars, pipes and …
trace my package THE CIGAR KING: The Cigar King offers a diverse range of cigars from around the globe. Aficionados often differentiate Cuban cigars (Habanos) from those sourced elsewhere. Click on the icon of your preference to explore the corresponding collections. The designation of origin Habanos can be used for all premium cigars crafted with 100% Cuban-grown tobacco.
J Philippe Vanderbruggen was born in 1968 and has always been involved in the cigar industry. From the tender age of 10, Philippe Vanderbruggen was assisting his father on Saturdays and during school holidays. At the age of 21, he represented Scandinavian Tobacco company. Four years later, he embarked on the venture of importation, representing brands such as A.Fuente, Ashton, Flor De Selva, etc.
In 2003, he acquired the store. To bear the Habanos name, the tobacco leaves and the cigars produced in Cuba using these leaves undergo numerous quality assurances.
- How can I track my The Cigar King order?
- My package delivery progress The Cigar King?
- How can I monitor my The Cigar King package?
- How to reach The Cigar King customer service?
How to monitor my package and my order THE CIGAR KING?
Do you wish to monitor the delivery progress of your packages and determine the delivery date of your order? We are able to assist around the clock, every day of the week [independent service from the brand – Using our service requires a package tracking number – An order number alone is not adequate]. Dial:
A specialist shop in cigars, pipes, and smoker’s accessories. Whiskey, rum, lighters, cigar humidors, cutters, cases. Services are not yet available online. In-store purchasing or pick-up is possible.
Quality control occurs during various stages including tobacco plant cultivation, fermentation, maturation of tobacco leaves, and every phase of cigar production. This includes, among others. Numerous countries grow tobacco which different brands use to create their cigars.
Selecting the finest leaves, the draw resistance of the cigar, taste accuracy for each brand, and ultimately the appearance and presentation of the cigar.
How to reach The Cigar King customer service?
If you wish to reach The Cigar King customer service by phone, dial the following number: +32 (0)2 218 37 79. The service operates Monday through Friday from 09h30 to 18h00 and until 13h00 on Saturdays. It is closed on Sunday. Should you prefer to contact customer service via email, you can utilize the online contact form at For disputes, please send an email to the following address:
Before reaching out to customer service, you might also try to find an answer to your query by consulting the FAQ page on the website at the following URL:
For those seeking the headquarters, postal correspondence can be sent to the following address: 25 rue Royale, 1000 Bruxelles.
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