Contacter la station métro Compte de Flandre

call service


The Compte de Flandre metro station is located in the municipality of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean in Brussels.
Positioned between the Etangs Noirs and Sainte-Catherine stations, it is served by lines 1 and 5.

How to reach the customer service of Compte de Flandre Station? How to contact the lost and found service of Compte de Flandre Station?
Source : Bruxelles / Brussel – Comte de Flandre / Graaf van Vlaanderen
Author : Ingolf de Berlin , Deutschland
  • Ways to contact Compte de Flandre Station
  • How to reach the lost and found of Compte de Flandre Station ?
  • What are the operating hours of Compte de Flandre Station ?

How to reach the customer service of Compte de Flandre Station ?
  • By phone
  • By mail
  • Contact form
  • Social media

If you need to contact STIB for information regarding metro lines, schedules, routes, subscriptions, lost items, etc…

The customer service can be reached via contact form,  on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), by phone at:

0 70 23 20 00

Monday to Friday from 7AM to 7PM.

Saturday from 8AM to 4PM.

You can also contact STIB by mail at:

STIB Customer Care

Rue Royal 76

1000 Bruxelles

How to contact the lost and found service of Compte de Flandre Station ?

If you have mislaid an item during your trip on metro line 1 and 5 ?

You could reach STIB’s customer service ?

To contact lost and found, you can call the customer service of STIB (you will find the number above), you can also send a message using the contact form.

A detailed description of your item along with the approximative date and time of loss will be required. Remember to provide your contact details.

Once the customer service has located your item, you will be notified.

When retrieving your item, administrative fees of 5€ will be charged, your ID card will also be required.

What are the operating hours of Compte de Flandre Station ?

You are taking the metro at Compte de Flandre station, and you want to know the timings of trains ?

Normally the first train (excluding school holidays) from Monday to Friday is at 5:13AM and the last at 00:07AM, on weekends and holidays at 5:06AM and at 00:07AM.

To find out the exact timings of trains at Compte de Flandre station, you can check this page.

Follow STIB on social media

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Linkedin
  • TikTok

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