Situated at the heart of the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert in Brussels, the CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND jewelry specializes in the buying and selling of vintage and pre-owned jewelry.
![How to communicate with the JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND ?](
Established by CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND in 1979, it is now managed by his son and the team consists of experts in pre-owned and vintage jewelry.
While visiting the CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND jewelry, you will find a wide range of pre-owned and vintage jewelry (ranging from Belle Époque era to the 60s and 70s). The offered jewelry is made of gold, silver, platinum, semi-precious and precious stones. All jewelry is polished, cleaned and revised.
- How to connect with the JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND ?
- What are the opening hours of JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND ?
- What are the items offered by JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND ?
- Phone
- Messenger
Do you wish to contact the JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND ?
If you have a query about returns or exchanges, after-sales service, item availability, opening hours…
JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND can be reached via Messenger or by phone at:
+32 (0)2 502 33 52
From Monday to Saturday from 11AM to 6PM.
For sending your mails or to visit JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND, the address is:
Jewelry Christian Lanckvrind
Galerie de la Reine 34,
1000 Brussels
What are the opening hours of CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND JEWELRY ?
Do you plan to visit JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND and want to know the opening hours ?
From Monday to Saturday from 11AM to 6PM.
To know the opening days or exceptional hours, feel free to follow JEWELRY CHRISTIAN LANCKCRIND on social media.
What are the items offered by CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND JEWELRY ?
During your visit to CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND JEWELRY, you can discover vintage or pre-owned jewelry such as:
- Pendants
- Engagement rings
- Wedding rings
- Bracelets
- Earrings
- …
CHRISTIAN LANCKVRIND JEWELRY also provides jewelry evaluation, a consignment or the buyback of some of your vintage jewelry.